what happens when you start measuring EVERYTHING that you eat...
a counter full of cups, half cups, quarter cups, and tablespoons..

Ultimately, I suppose, the goal is learn how to accurately gauge food without whipping out a measure cup at every turn...

Gains and Losses...introducing...Gains and Losses day here on Careless in the Care of God...Gains and Losses day will review my last week regarding my journey to better health...
You see...trying to lose weight is not the only goal...admittedly it is the driving force, but as I am fully two weeks into this thing I am realizing that it may not end up being the greatest benefit...

What motivates me is...

A clean house...

A homey environment...

Seeing the numbers on the scale going down...



Being creative...

and on that note I have two motivational projects, completed in the last week, to share with you...

In the last year I have noticed that it has become a lot harder to do things like walking up stairs...going to a theme park would be a joke...sitting in a booth (where the table is not movable) at a restaurant is a nightmare...and going to a crowded movie theater is embarrassing...

I have been blessed to find a group of seven other ladies that have the same desires as I...we are in a secret facebook group where we can encourage each other in our struggles and happy dance for each other when we WIN! 

Last Monday I started using the Lose It! app for iPhone and Droid...if you don't have a smart phone it is also a website that I believe works the same...