  1. a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
Contemplating my journey with anxiety
Yesterday, I did not expect to share that part of my story...we have to be careful to not blame all of our problems on our is important to take responsibility and take action on what we can work to change...

Journal are some questions to ask yourself if you are struggling with any level of anxiety...

1. Identify the times when you experience anxiety...let's identify that any level of anxiety you feel is valid...there is no anxiety too minor or too large that it is not worth exploring, and learning how to cope...

2. What are some of your body's signs that you are becoming anxious? for example; racing heart, shortness of breath, having difficulty staying focused, a feeling of flight or fight ect...

3. What are the ways that you currently cope with anxiety? do you isolate yourself? do you take it out on the people around you by become angry/cranky? do you self medicate with food, alcohol, or drugs? 

Tomorrow I will provided a couple of practical steps (I have used myself) you can take to help reduce your anxiety...


10/3/2013 02:40:12 pm

Enjoyed this one! I am currently anxious about moving from the only state I have ever lived in to a state where I know no one. Will need to look for new house, new neighborhood, new church, new friends not to mention going from a smaller town with few stop lights to a bigger city with more traffic! I know God will get me through it but still anxious...

10/4/2013 04:28:03 am


that sounds VERY anxiety producing...are you moving for a job?



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