Hello Friends...
Today is the start of a new series here on Careless in the Care of God...
Every week...
you will get to experience the verse 
through the eyes of those for whom this verse was written...
The children of God...
This week meet Melissa...

Melissa is a wife, mom, dog rescuer, 
FPU graduate and Coordinator 
as well as an entrepreneur as a Financial Coach.  
(Melissa is seen here with Dave Ramsey)
Her business website is 

"I am fascinated by birds – particularly when they fly.  What fun it must be to simply spread their wings from their perch, flap their wings and fly off to wherever they are destined to go.   My two favorite birds are hummingbirds and pelicans.  

Both creatures created by God for different purposes.  

Their purpose is important in the cycle of life and yet they do not have to “reap or sow or store away in barns” because “your heavenly father feeds them.”

You know its true right?   Everything a hummingbird needs to survive is provided, same for the pelican.  

It’s just there – the food and the shelter.  

Why do they NOT have to sow and reap and store away? 

Because THAT is not their purpose and yet their survival, their very creation, is important. 

Such is the same for you and me.  We are created by God to serve a purpose and we are important.  

So, does God not provide for all of our needs too?  

Sure we have to sow and reap and store.  But, even if we don’t, God provides. 

Doesn’t God provide the opportunities for us to sow and reap and store away? 

Yes, He does. 

And you know what?  When we take advantage of the opportunities, then there is more that is given to us, more that is provided.  

If we believe that we are put on Earth for a Divine purpose then we also believe that everything we have and every experience we experience is given or presented to us by God’s own design. 

So, then, doesn’t it make sense that everything we have is to be appropriately managed as well? 

God gives us opportunity to earn money.  Whether it be by a special gift or talent or providing a job or yes, even winning the lottery.  In whatever way we honestly earn money, THAT opportunity was provided by God.  

You know what happens when we “sow and reap and store” our money well? 

We become good stewards of what God has provided.   We add value to our lives.  

God always provides – we are valued in the eyes of God and more so than the birds to which he does not require sowing and reaping and storing and yet He still provides for them.  

He will provide the same for you, as He has done for me. "

If you are interested in contributing a post regarding your experience or perspective on this verse, please contact me at [email protected]


9/12/2013 11:13:26 pm

Great words, thank you for sharing Melissa!

9/13/2013 10:21:15 pm

Well said. I think this is like many other areas of our lives and our service to God, it takes us making an effort first to trust God in the first place and second to go out and work to see His will completed.

9/13/2013 11:39:17 pm

Great post Melissa. It's hard for people to understand the concept of sowing and reaping until they actually step out in faith and to do. It's amazing though...God always provides.

Thanks for sharing your heart and your thoughts.


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