“Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they?” Matthew 6:26

On March 9th of this year, the most incredible thing happened to me; I became a father.  My baby girl was born into this world both healthy and ready to learn, and my wife and I were in for a new adventure.  The last 7 months of my life have presented me with many challenges.   There have been late nights, bumps and bruises, and very little time to do anything, but work and be a parent.  Those 7 months have been the greatest 7 months of my life because I have been able to see the world through the eyes of my girl.

Seeing the world through an infant’s eyes is an amazing thing.  I get to see the joy our dog, brings her when she sees him playing.  I also get to see the safety she feels when her mom holds her tight after bumping her head.  Being able to see these things through her eyes has given me a new perspective on life.   It has taught me something that I haven’t been able to realize since I was her age: God always provides. 

Matthew 6:26 tells us not to worry because God will always provide what we need.  Every day, I am reminded of this when I watch my daughter.  Just like the birds, she does not worry that she won’t get everything that she needs to both survive and be happy.  She has an unbelievable trust and confidence that she will get whatever she needs.  From food to clothing and comfort to love, she feels at ease because she believes that she will always have these.

Before getting married and having a daughter, life seemed so complicated.  The idea of needing a high paying job to earn lots of money for things I didn't need stressed me out.  But that was all before I got to see the world through my baby girl’s eyes.  Life has become so much simpler.  It isn't a race to see who can acquire the coolest things.  It is a time to spend with amazing people, and life is so much greater that way.

David Hungarter is a father and husband who enjoys running, traveling, and most of all, spending time with his family.  He also appreciates good non-fiction books and loves to learn. You can connect with David on Facebook or find his daily quotes on twitter. He also blogs at Lifeguard Training Stand where " We strive to be the most comprehensive resource for lifeguard certification employment resources and continuing education requirements." 

Blog: http://www.lifeguardtrainingstand.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhungarter
Twitter: @dhungarter

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