Fact: I am not a poet…but I will share what I wrote a couple of years ago concerning this day...

It is Gains & Losses day here on Careless in the Care of God...Gains and Losses day reviews the last week regarding my journey to better health...

#1. Job Search Update: Nothing much to report...I almost had one interview...another job called to tell me there were no benefits included with the job and wanted to know if I would still be interested, they then said they would call the next week to schedule an interview but never did...there have been a few "thank you for applying" you don't meet the requirements or we have already filled the positions...and there just hasn't been a lot of jobs to apply for...I continue to rest in the peace of Christ as I search and am obedient to be lead to the next place I will be paid to work....This week has found me astonished how my needs are being met in ways that ONLY God could have orchestrated, which overrides the stress that comes with living off of unemployment without a clue as to what comes next...I have been trying to be obedient to Him and he is being incredibly gracious toward me!

My perspective, as yours, is guided by our experiences...

Having been large for the majority of my life, I am no stranger to having a distorted view of my body...I have become a skilled ninja in the art of dodging mirrors, or windows that reflect that I ,sometimes literally, don't fit in...

As I prepare to go to a large conference next week...to meet a lot of people I have only ever communicated with on-line...I feel the need to share with you that sometimes I believe the lie that 
     I am not good enough...I am not worthy...

As I have been planning for this blog and what I want to bring to you...I have come up with a schedule...which I will reveal in more detail tomorrow...this plan includes doing project Thursday where I share some of the things I have done to make my home feel like HOME...I will be linking up with Jules over at Pancakes and French Fries and her William Morris Project which takes it cue from the quote listed below...

A trip, to compare the differences in Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios, last week was eye-opening...

there are 
100 calories 
in one cup 
of regular Cheerios...

as opposed too...

..something to think about...
"Washington DC Metro Station on a cold January morning in 2007. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes.  
Picturephoto credit: Huffington Post
During that time approx 2 thousand people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. After 3 minutes a middle aged man noticed there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried to meet his schedule. 

It is Gains & Losses day here on Careless in the Care of God...Gains and Losses day reviews the last week regarding my journey to better health...