What motivates me is...

A clean house...

A homey environment...

Seeing the numbers on the scale going down...



Being creative...

and on that note I have two motivational projects, completed in the last week, to share with you...
The first was introduced to me from one of the lovely ladies in my support Facebook group...She reported first seeing them on Pinterest...do a search for 'weight loss jars' and you will see a lot of different examples...The idea is to fill the GOING jar with marbles/rocks/vase fillers to represent the pounds you would like to lose...and move them to the GONE jar when you have shed the weight...

Here is my version...
I found some jars for a dollar each and marbles for four dollars in the craft section of Wal-Mart...using vinyl and washi tape I had in my stash, playing around until I found a design that made my heart sing...

Second, compiling eight motivational photos I found on Pinterest, some twine, washi tape, and embellishments...I put together a banner to keep me focused on the things that MATTER in this journey of not only weight loss but life change...it has found a home in the kitchen...
In the end you only have yourself and Jesus to motivate you to success...so find the things that motivate you and wrap yourself in them...


side-note: I am surprised that with all of the visits here when I publish a post that most are left with out any comments...I would love to hear from YOU, support your blog by visiting, and encourage each other in this journey we call life...lets dialogue!
8/30/2013 11:07:59 am

Hi April!

I love your jars and the inspirational photos. I have the ones you sent me hanging above my desk. My jars aren't nearly as pretty as yours, but they're a good reminder to me each morning when I get up and see them.

Here's to enjoying the journey and discovering what inspires us along the way!

:) Heather


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